Grant Archive

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The Former Community Beautification Grant Archives

Community Beautification Grants

Photoville Fence in Winchester, MA (2021)
Photoville Fence in Winchester, MA


Video documentation of the installation by the AGF Interns’ Emma Illidge and Sophie Franhill created during COVID-19. Learn more at

The Proposed Winchester Cultural District             


The 2017 – 2018 AGF Interns were charged with creating a presentation of hypothetical vignettes of environmental art installations in three zones established by the Winchester Cultural Development Visioning Team. This presentation was introduced to the Winchester Select Board an order to enlist their support for the establishment of a cultural District in town.

stained_glass Stained Glass Window Restoration at Sanborn House             


Restoration plus preservation equals beautification.

sanborn3 Exterior Lighting of the Sanborn House             


Lighting a community treasure.

shore_road4 Waterfield to Shore Road Street Scape Charrette             


A community working to realize a shared vision.

mill_pond Aberjona River Initiatives             


Envisioning the restoration of the natural beauty of the river.

Wayfinding Signs             


Getting around town.

Community Beautification Intern Grants

The 2018 interns 2018 Interns             


We applaud our interns’ work as we help prepare for Winchester’s cultural future. Thanks to Mark Bacon, Ella Hodges, Vihara Wickramasinghe and Natalia Tecca.